It’s not often that you come across a sunrise-gold beach. That was our privilege as we gazed out at the slothful sea. Ebbing ever so gently, it looked at peace in its Neptune-blue gown. The beach was so soft, it felt like we were walking on a blanket of candy floss. The shimmering sand swept around in a scythe of beach, hemmed in by towering cliffs. Far out to sea, streams of pulsing light saturated the surface with a golden haze. It was confessional-quiet and this Babylon of beaches felt like paradise. The horizon seemed to be stitched with a line of silver.
A flock of noisy seagull were squawking over our heads and squabbling about something. They wheeled and arced, their raucous cries ringing off the cliffs. There was a strange glamour to their timeless call as they soared between the wands of God-goldened light. A single yacht bobbed and lolled in the incoming tide, like a toy in a bath. Its lights winked saucily as the wave-crests rose gently. The siren call of the sea was soothing, the wave music welcome. The rising sun laminated us with warmth and a carnival of smells drifted towards us from the hotel kitchen. We had coal-fired lobster for breakfast and it tasted as galactic as the hotel’s name: Heavens Hideaway.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Ia tidak selalunya bahawa anda mencari pantai matahari terbit-gold. Itu adalah keistimewaan kami sebagai kita merenung di laut yang malas. Ebbing pernah jadi perlahan-lahan, ia melihat keamanan di gaun Neptune-biru. pantai itu begitu lembut, ia berasa seperti kita berjalan di atas selimut gula-gula serunding. Pasir berkilauan melanda sekitar dalam sabit pantai, dikelilingi oleh tebing yang menjulang tinggi. Jauh ke laut, aliran berkumandang cahaya tepu permukaan dengan jerebu emas. Ia adalah pengakuan-senyap dan Babylon ini pantai berasa seperti syurga. kaki langit seolah-olah dijahit dengan garis perak.
Satu kawanan camar bising telah Squawking atas kepala kami dan pertengkaran tentang sesuatu. Mereka beroda dan arced, laungan serak mereka berdering dari bukit batu. Terdapat glamor pelik seruan abadi mereka kerana mereka melonjak antara wands cahaya Tuhan goldened. A kapal layar tunggal yg dipotong pendek dan lolled dalam arus masuk, seperti mainan di tab mandi. lampu Its mengenyit saucily sebagai gelombang puncak meningkat perlahan-lahan. Panggilan siren laut itu menenangkan, selamat datang muzik gelombang. Peningkatan matahari berlapis kami dengan kehangatan dan karnival bau hanyut ke arah kami dari dapur hotel. Kami mempunyai lobster arang batu untuk sarapan pagi dan merasai sebagai galaksi nama hotel: Heavens Hideaway.</div> <div class="show-more-end">